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Portraits of Everyone I've Hugged This Year

~26 x 39"

oil paintings, vintage clock parts

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About this piece:

Hugs are something I miss the most. I went several months with no hugs, no touching at all except I began allowing myself to pet my neighbor cat when I read that the risk is low. Eventually I decided it was extremely important to get very occasional careful hugs.


These are the four people I've hugged this year (and some of them only once or twice). They are so important to me that I had a very specific vision of how I wanted to honor these huggers. These tiny portraits (about 3x4" each) are oil paintings in vintage cameo frames. I had to teach myself to use oil paints for this installation, but I was determined to use that medium because it feels so timeless to me. The frames also have a velvety fabric lining, another reference to touch.

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